Workman’s Compensation Fund: If you employ one or more people in your company, whether full-time or part-time, you will need to register with the Workman’s Compensation Fund to obtain a COIDA Registration number, pay an annual assessment fee and obtain your COIDA Letter of Good Standing. This will provide your company with monetary compensation in the event of injury, disease, disablement or death that may occur on your premises, or during the course of a worker’s employment with you.

Advantages of being registered

If any employee should get injured on duty, or becomes sick with an occupational disease, the employer will be protected against civil claims. Most contracts and tender applications require that the company is registered with the Workman’s Compensation Fund prior to applying for any contracts or tenders.

Employees who are injured while on duty or those who contracted occupational diseases can claim compensation for temporary or permanent disablement.

These claims will be awarded according to the degree of disablement or if an employee dies while on duty by the Department of Labour. Employees will also be covered for reasonable medical aid expenses arising out of an injury on duty. This compensation is payable for a period of two years or longer if further medical treatment is needed and if it will reduce the extent of disability.

Return of Earnings (ROE) Submission

Every year in April, the Compensation Fund sends a Notice of Assessment (an invoice) which stipulates how much you should pay for the assessment fee.
The ROE Online System will be open for the submission of ROEs from 1 April 2023 to 31 May 2023. Employers are encouraged to meet the deadline to avoid penalties.

How to learn more about COIDA

Growth in Motion offers two online courses where employers and employees can learn more about these legal requirements and about the following topics:

  • What is the COIDA?
  • What events are covered by COIDA?
  • Classes of benefits under COIDA Compensation benefits
  • The rights and responsibility of an employer
  • The responsibility of the employee
  • The role players
  • Injury benefits provided for under COIDA
  • Death benefits provided for under COIDA
  • Occupational disease benefits under COIDA
  • How to claim

To register go to https://gimacademy.africa/course-info?cid=272