If someone had to ask you what challenges got your attention most during this coronavirus pandemic, would you scratch your head to think about it or would things immediately spring to mind?

What stood out for me was the challenge that leaders had to face that didn’t exist in the past.

During this pandemic, the way we work and the way we live has changed drastically. If leaders wanted to make a difference, they had to come to the party in a big way. Unfortunately, what surfaced is that many leaders lack the attributes that are required from them to have the impact and influence that is so desperately needed right now.  They have to balance the impact of their actions on corporations, teams, friends, families, on personal lives, and even consider the impact on other countries, while still having to be positive and compassionate leaders. Yes, I get it, leaders are humans as well and we understand that they also have to deal with all the uncertainty and chaos that we are facing at this time. As a leader, you put your hand up and consciously chose to be in a leadership position, so the onus is now on you to lead.

“A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.”
-Douglas MacArthur

Our team of specialists at Growth in Motion believe that we can add value to all leaders who are struggling in their roles and as well as those leaders who want to inspire and motivate. With that in mind, we will be launching the Growth in Motion Leadership Book Club on 2nd November 2020. The year 2020 will always be remembered – unfortunately for COVID-19, but we have decided to put a positive spin on it and lo and behold, the idea for a Growth in Motion Leadership Book Club surfaced.

How does this work? Every month, we will share a synopsis of a book that we have enjoyed or that someone has shared with us. This synopsis will include some key take-aways that we hope you will be able to apply to your everyday life. We all have different ways of learning, so we will do our best to meet these different learning styles.

Look out for our first synopsis!