I have heard so many people say that their learning is being hampered because they cannot get to a workshop.

Seriously, in this current age of digitalization are we really letting COVID-19 dictate how our learning takes place? If anything, now is the time to pick up the learning pace and make it work for us. Forget about traditional classroom training for now. It will be back some time next year. Can we put our learning and careers on hold until then? Absolutely not.

Well, here is comes the good news! Based on our immense success at preparing Representatives and Key Individuals for their Regulatory Examination (RE) workshops in the traditional classroom, we decided to take this learning content and convert it into manageable components for successful online/virtual delivery. I know you are thinking RE content is so complicated and requires copious hours of reading and understanding of the Acts, Codes and Board Notices. We have taken the complexity of out of the challenge. You can sit in the comfort of your home office and work through the outcomes with the guidance, support, and expertise of our facilitators.

These online/virtual options for all RE workshop are available on request through the following entry points.

Go ahead and make the booking and take your learning to another level.

Anyone who stops learning is old – whether this happens at twenty or at eighty. Anyone who keeps on learning not only remains young but becomes constantly more valuable – regardless of physical capacity. – Henry Ford